Right In Our Midst

God With us. Isn’t it wonderful? We’re never alone, He’s right in the middle of the things that we do. He gives His input, in hopes that we’ll respond. He wants to make things easier. As we yield to His promptings, we smile. Because everything works out just fine, I’m glad that He’s a friend of mind. Thank you Jesus for bringing the Father into our lives.

Exodus 33:14

And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Conversation With God

Man ,“ I prayed, and it’s not working out, it’s getting worse.” God, “Who told you that?”  Man, “I guess it was the devil.” God, “ I thought you resisted him, he wasn’t even there. That’s your own carnal mind speaking up to you.” Man, “ Oh, what do I do?” God, “Say only what I said and you will receive.” Man, “ God, it sounds like I’m lying when I say that I am blessed and I see all this trouble.” God, “ How could you be lying if you say what I tell you to say? I call things that are not as though they were, you must do the same. Go back to my word a get every scripture that talks about Me blessing you, blessing your family blessing your health and begin to say that only. Man, “ Are you sure this will work?” God, “ My Son gave his Life’s blood so that it would. Stay with it, you’ll begin to think better, then your circumstances will change.” Romans 4:17

The Father Of Fathers

The Blessings, The Blessings
The Joy that is True,
The Grace and the Mercy
That Cometh Forth From You.
The Comfort, Comfort
The Strength, we have Gained,
has been showered on us through the Power of Your Name.
The Infusion Of Life, and that more Abundantly,
Lavished on us were set Eternally!
I Like to Bring us all together as we declare and Holler,
We Magnify thee Oh Precious God, The Father Of All Fathers
1 Tim. 1:12
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen

Lighten the Load

“Just roll that over on my shoulder.” Thats what Jesus is saying, when He said, “take my yoke upon you and learn of me, “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” His design was for you to carry the word while He carried the burdens. The cares, the worries, those things that cause one’s heart to stoop. He has already taken care of everything for you if you will carry His word in your heart. It’s fixed. It’s a done deal! No more heavy loads, no more mind bending; mind crippling thoughts, give them all to Him, and in turn take His word and go free. 

1 Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible (AMP)

casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

Seek Peace And Pursue It

Seek peace and pursue it, is the title of my blog. For peace has the attribute of bringing things under control. Settling for less or anything else will cause me to stagger and become  stressed. Peace is a vehicle for creativity. It acts as a housing agent for my plans to work. When I think about peace, and put actions to my (thinks) Lol. I empower, and energize, myself to keep producing and showing others the way. Peace is my umpire, it calls the shots, it takes the pressure out of decisions, It reminisces of past glories, and prepares a way for future stories.

Isaiah 32:17-18 

The work of righteousness will be peace,And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, In secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places

The Defeat Of a Fretting Spirit

Allowing the word of God to sit at your table and stand at the foot of your bed and  be constantly on your mind breaks the power of a “Fretting Spirit.” Turning and churning in your heart and your thinking, the everlasting covenant takes control. Then all of the space that was occupied by that worry is filled to capacity, and precious rest and peace accompanies thee. 

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

My Son, My Daughter

All are family in the body of Christ. God knows each of us by name.  He’s acquainted with our thoughts. He know exactly why we respond in the manner we do. He is so well acquainted with us, that if we stood before him today, he would share with us things in advance before we spoke them. But now he wants us to be acquainted with him. He wants us to know his deepest thoughts. He really would love it if we got into his word and devoured it so that he could have more buddies to fellowship with. For the only thing that stands between you and He, is your knowledge of what He’s like. What His likes are. What gives Him the greatest joy. What pleases Him. Come on. This is your call. Get to know the Lord through his word. Then how sweet your fellowship.

Eph. 3:14-19

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

“Jesus” Our Savior

Moving closer towards the waters edge, whether they be calm or turbulent the Blessed Lord has said, You will be softly aware, of my presence when my Son is there.

The Arks Directional System.
Could it be that when God set Noah afloat, when he and his family and the animals were together in that big boat, that the author of his salvation could navigate them to safety, after the catastrophic event of the flood? Well we most assuredly believe, and in confidence receive, the unique simplicity by which God’s hand,
kept them a float, then brought them to safety back to dry land. You can take note.
As is in this day, Jesus the Christ; the ark, the way, takes the hand of the Father, and navigates you, through every swirling event and then, when you cross over, to live with him.
John 14:6
Jesus told him, “I am† the way,† the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.