It’s evident, that you shall receive packages sent by friends or family, or just something your ordered. (This is a shout out for amazon shopping, I love it! Lol!) Yet when God says that what you need has been sign sealed and delivered through the blood of his Son, what is your response? The righteousness of faith speaks this way, “I don’t have to go up to heaven to get what he promised, neither does it say, I need to bring Jesus down to my room to touch my body, but what does it say, the word of faith is in near me even in my mouth and in my heart, ( That is the WORD OF FAITH WHICH PAUL PREACED)”. This is a paraphrase of theses verses. Hebrews 10:6-8. For in putting the word in your mouth and keeping it protected in your heart, you will be persuaded before the package from heaven shows up.